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When working with data related to countries, it can come in various formats and variations. Country names may be represented in short forms, official long forms, or even in different languages. Sometimes, they can be hidden within other data points like phone numbers, subdivisions, or time zones. Additionally, there are different versions of country codes, such as Alpha-2, Alpha-3, and TLDs.

Although Top-Level Domains (TLDs) appear to be straightforward as they consist of only Alpha-2 codes, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, the TLD for the United Kingdom is .uk, while the corresponding ISO-3361-1 Alpha-2 code is GB Additionally, there are numerous geographic top-level domains, such as .london, .berlin, and .wien, which CountryWrangler supports nativly.

The normalization functions provided by CountryWrangler helps you in transforming diverse country data into their ISO-3361-1 form with ease.